I have made a right decision not to purchase anymore Proton car after having a dissastisfaction over various defects of my ex-Iswara...and of course the most unforgettable one is the power window problem. I have been suffering for this problem for about 12 years since the first day I bought the car in 1996.

Hello Mr. CEO of PROTON, please wake up from your big vision and look at this small issue yet very important to us.
I would like to suggest to you to make a survey at any toll both in Malaysia higway, which car always need to open the door instead of rolling down the window?? Why this is only happen to Proton!
See below one of thousands of your customers that sharing the same dissatisfaction on your power window. I thought the problem has gone but it is still there and people are still relating this power window problem to Proton car. What a shame!
If you could not solve this problem, then do not sell the car with the power window. You make all of Malaysian ashame of this unsolved problem.

Credit to http://chedet.co.cc/chedetblog/2009/11/sound-bites---proton.html#more
By Namoly on November 6, 2009 12:46 PM
Dear Tun,
Greeting to you. I wish you good health and happiness.
Actually, I have did own a Proton before and attende a few seminar and forums that some of the former top Proton management share their experience and expertise!
One thing I noticed was that they relised the problem and shortcoming of Proton but did nothing to solving it. Just like the Power window,it doesn't need an super Engineer or Professor to understand it. Just look at the harness going into the door, it is just like the add-on kind of accessories. When the door is being open and close thousands of time during their useful life, wire is made of metal and under repeated bending, it will fail, it broke simply. Just find another place to let the wire enterlah, where it is not subjecting to bending and stratching. There was once when Proton launched a new model, the MD said we will resolved the issue of power window once and for all, however, till now it is still there! What a shame!
What Proton need now is people who is committed and willing to spend time looking at the real issues and analyse, not just talk and more talk, till the cow come back!
I hope I did not offend anyone. My humble intention is for the good of our national industry!
Best regards to Tun.
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